If a property is labeled as “REDEEMED”, this means the property owner has either satisfied all of the outstanding taxes and penalties, or has entered into an agreeable payment plan with the Treasurer. This brings the account current, which means the property will no longer be offered in the auction. We realize this is disappointing to those people interested in buying the property, however there is no need to call to us to further discuss these redeemed properties. They are no longer for sale. Property owners may satisfy their outstanding tax bills right up until the close of every auction. ALL locality Treasurers and Commissioners of the Revenue would much prefer to see delinquent taxes paid, and the property retained by the owner of record. Typically, these redeemed properties will not be put up for auction again, unless an owner defaults on a payment plan or the property, once again, becomes years delinquent in real estate tax payments.
If a property is labeled as “REMOVED”, this could be the result of any number of causes. Examples can include title or ownership issues, but certainly are not limited to these. If a property is REMOVED from an auction, it may or may not be offered at another auction in the future. The situation varies from property to property.
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